Eddy Current Suppression Ring – S/T (2006)

In the ongoing arms race which is ‘punk’ music, you’d be forgiven for feeling a little bit seasick as the music gets faster, louder, more incomprehensibly grunty, MOAR TECHNICAL!  Then there is the other side of punk which just seems to be an excuse to get drunk and play badly.  That makes it all the more rewarding to find a band like ECSR, playing skin-tight garage punk pop, free of pretension and cringeworthy lyrics you often have to try and ignore.  Last years Primary Colours was a perfectly crystalised triumph and as a result was loved by everyone and is pretty easy to find.  This, their debut, was released in 2006 and has more recently got a repressing in the US, and is harder to find on the internet, so get this, then go get Primary Colours and go on a bit of a journey with this fantastic band.

Buy Now  //  ECSR

You'll find me in the vast wilderness of British Columbia, talking metal at LURKER, or working in publishing and front-end web/eBook development.

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