Zdzisław Beksiński

Polish fantasy artist, 1929 – 2005. You’ll have probably seen his art kicking about somewhere. Notable uses include Leviathan’s Verräter and Nightbringer’s Rex Ex Ordine Throni. Major props to this guy, he’s created some of the most unsettling and provocative scenes I’ve ever seen. R.I.P.

Hates music and writing. Unfortunately, he's a journalist.


  • Reply May 11, 2010


    My absolute favorite artist! Great post. So many bands use his artwork now, it's ridiculous. In fact, the new Blood of Kingu sports one of my favorites.

  • Reply May 11, 2010


    Third pic down, to be exact.

  • Reply May 11, 2010


    New Blood Of Kingu you say? Will have to get my hands on that. The Nightbringer release I mentioned uses an edit of the same image.

  • Reply May 11, 2010


    Excellent post, reminds me of HR Giger's post-apocalyptic landscapes.

  • Reply May 11, 2010


    INCREDIBLE. I don't know which to have as my wallpaper first.

  • Reply May 11, 2010


    The Verrater one, ofcourse!

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