Esoteric vinyl series under way

Gloom-infested godfathers of funeral doom Esoteric are having their celebrated discography reissued on vinyl by the adept hands at Aesthetic Death Records. The albums will be released on an individual basis limited to 350 copies each. The series begins later this year starting with the 1994 debut Epistemological Despondency and once complete, a full box-set of 150 copies will be made available. You can pre-order Epistemological Despondency now, so keep a tab on the Aesthetic Death website for future announcements.
(Trivial note: Joe Fletcher (drummer) lives with one of my mates and regularly plays Magic: The Gathering with my fucking nerdy circle of friends.)

Hates music and writing. Unfortunately, he's a journalist.


  • Reply July 20, 2010

    Invisible Oranges

    Really cool! I wonder if they'll make the vinyl packages nice. That new Eibon release on Aesthetic Death is quite interesting, too.

  • Reply July 22, 2010


    FYI, Magic: The Gathering is awesome.

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