Terzij De Horde Live In Manchester

A small, underground, choked out rehearsal room somewhere in the lesser regarded regions of Manchester’s northern quarter played host to Terzij De Horde’s first ever UK show. 20 or so people made the audience to bear witness to 30 minutes of uniquely cathartic, energised and refreshing cacophony. Not since the release of ‘Thanatotrophic Principle‘ by Dreams of the Drowned (which is available here) have I felt so enamoured and captivated by a bands style. The sense of urgency and vehemence much more apparent in a live setting, and not for a moment neglecting atmosphere at the price of brute aggression. The band, a well oiled unit that fuse black metal with grindcore and post-hardcore to often dizzying heights of atmospheric delight, had a certain urgency towards the end of the set, whose new song set the sweating, heaving throng alive into a furtive mania. Crowd surfing maniacs flew overboard as the band crashed heads and interlocked arms with a manic audience to close up the set. With gentlemen from fellow black metal upstarts Winterfylleth there to witness the action, Terzij De Horde usurped all expectation to deliver.
The function of men is to live, not to exist. Music that captivates the soul and drives the melancholic discontent of Black Metal into astoundingly positive, exalted territory. Vitalistic, empowering and chaotically honest about their nature. They refuse to be ignored and have recently confirmed shows with Liturgy, Annal Nathrakh and a host of other underground elites, proving their future is as bright as the music is awe inspiring.
If you missed these guys in Manchester or on their Ireland dates, well, pick up the CD goddamnit. Lets get them touring more.

You'll find me in the vast wilderness of British Columbia, talking metal at LURKER, or working in publishing and front-end web/eBook development.


  • Reply August 13, 2010


    That Dreams of the Drowned album is immense, isn't it?

    I'm just listening to TdH now for the first time, and it sounds dead good.

  • Reply August 13, 2010


    Hang on, is that a banjo?!

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