Owl: Zeitgeister’s mystery band

On the topic of German Black Metal, the new sampler from Zeitgeister Records has had me hooked for the last few days. The label is home to some of the most adventurous metal acts of the moment (Klabautamann, Valborg, Woburn House, etc.), and looks set to unleash some real beasts in the near future. The track that really blew me away is by Owl, a band I can find no information about whatsoever. It’s dissonant, blackened death metal with haunting vocals and some tastefully-deployed atmospherics (an actual owl, no less). Does anybody know anything about these guys?

Listen to their song ‘Loom’ below, along with the rest of this excellent compilation.


  • Reply August 22, 2010


    Since Germany is our third largest audience, I really hope someone appreciates us bigging up their scene!

  • Reply August 22, 2010


    It deserves it. And we haven't even mentioned Van records yet.

  • Reply August 22, 2010


    Rob: it's a new project featuring Christian Kolf and Patrick Schroeder.
    Lots of news at Zeitgeister, exciting!

  • Reply August 22, 2010


    That Klabautamann is like Ephel Duath on steroids.

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