
Label Spotlight II: None Shall Defy

LURKER talks pure black metal and the merits of vinyl with None Shall Defy. The article includes reviews of Deathgate Arkanum, I Shalt Become, Animus Mortis, Akitsa, Horns and Die Toten kehren wieder mit dem Wind.


For those seeking the elusive cold, raw and technical side of black metal, LURKER introduces Famine’s debut LP. Out now on Worthless Endeavours.

Death Screams and Agonies!!! Release Review

We review two excellent releases from vinyl only label Death Agonies and Screams!!! First up, Wyqm’s unique take on the usbm template courtesy of sophomore effort Portrait of Spectre. Followed closely by the debut from hardcore punk outfit Sunshine SS – Throw My Brain Against The Wall.